
How to create a watch folder
How to create a watch folder

how to create a watch folder

Self._diffSnapshot = DirectorySnapshotDiff(self._oldSnapshot,self._newSnapshot) Self._newSnapshot = DirectorySnapshot(path=self._path, Self._newSnapshot = DirectorySnapshot( path=self._path, The "scan" method is the most important function. This script contains the class definition for the CHLMonitor class. After an initial scan subsequent scans are taken every 10 seconds. Recursive (True or False) defines whether to scan sub folders. The "path" (either absolute or relative to the location of simpleMonitor.py) is the folder to monitor. A watch is then set on the folder we are interested in monitoring (in this case the folder is "test" in the home directory). The script creates an instance of a class CHLMonitor. MyMonitor.watch(path='././test',recursive=True) This does the work, and needs to be set up to permanently monitor our folder. In the bundle is a script called "simpleMonitor.py". Tools and environmentĪll scripts have been developed using the excellent and free community edition of P圜harm from JetBrains.Īll scripts were developed using python 2.7 on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8.5. The Watchdog web site provides details on how to install the module. Note: By default Watchdog does not appear to be installed on a Mac. In particular we will be using the directory snap shot utilities to spot new file and folders being added. So for this example we are using the python Watchdog module. This approach is fine except that Applescript only notifies us of new files (or folders) in the monitored folder directly, it doesn't notify us of additions in any sub folders. We could use Applescript to look for additions, and have it call a python script to upload the new files and folders.

how to create a watch folder

There are several options open to set up a folder monitor. This wraps up the WebDAV api calls into a nice simple to use library and makes use of the python "urllib2" library. Included in the download is a python script "LwpMotoUtils.py". It does not attempt to "synchronize" a folder and file set or handle renamed folders or files.Ī complete set of project files is available here. The script we will create only deals with "new" files and folders. The objective is to create a script that will monitor a given folder, and when a new file (or folder) is added have it automatically uploaded to DocMoto. In this article we will look at how to set up a monitored folder using the DocMoto API and python. Guide Creating a folder monitor using Python

How to create a watch folder